With a recent bullying induced teen suicide fresh in our minds, I ask...Since when is tolerance a four letter word? Since when is privacy something you have to work at? Since when do we have to protect our privacy from out friends?
I guess whole thing stirs two emotional buckets for me. The tolerance and privacy buckets...while they're both really important to me, they don't generally coalesce in such a singular terrible event.
A little background for those who have no idea what I'm talking about...Basically a friend asks another friend if they can have the dorm room to themselves. Friend2 says of course and goes to hang with his girlfriend. Friend1 goes about his evening, without knowing that Friend2 has setup a camera in the dorm room and is streaming an intimate moment Friend1 is having across the internet.
Agreed, generally speaking this sounds like a harmless prank...an invasion of privacy yes, but for the most part harmless. Now, what I haven't said is that Friend1 is gay and still hasn't come out. Now of course I can't possibly fathom what it's like to keep a secret of that magnitude, but certainly this is a life altering revelation meant to be shared with family and friends in a very personal way.
Hint: When I say "in a very personal way", what I mean to say is...NOT ON THE FUCKING INTERNET.
And so, long story short, Friend1 killed themselves because he found out that
Friend2 Asshole2 had been broadcasting his personal life to anyone and everyone willing to join the appropriate channel.
I won't say that Asshole2 should be charged with murder, even if he was the catalyst for the suicide I believe that we make our OWN choices and as such we should be held personally responsible for those choices. While Asshole1 may have metaphorically put Friend1 on that ledge he certainly didn't do it physically.
While I've never felt
lust for another man, I can only imagine it's an extremely confusing feeling. With society bombarding us with two very opposing ideas, on one side people say that it's unnatural to have these feeling, while another part of society tells us that it's okay. As a young person, at least when I was young, I know it can be difficult to come to terms with the fact that not everything society says is true.
A number of times I've heard the word tolerance spoken by individuals in the Christian community with a great deal of disdain and I have to admit I find it confusing. According to the Bible we're to love our neighbors as ourselves. It doesn't make a special exception for gay people.
The Bible does not say "Love your neighbors, so long as they are just like you and believe everything you do." It just doesn't.
Sorry guys...I know that's a bitch and all.
If fact, the Bible does say, that in the eyes of God all sins are equal.
So with that in mind, why is that some people in the Christian community choose to put homosexuality on some kind of pedestal of hate. They treat it as if its the the Superbowl or the World Series of sin.
Welcome to the inappropriate section of the post.
I don't not believe that all homosexual people are born homosexual. I do believe that there are some people that, for whatever reason, choose homosexuality.
While I DO NOT believe that those born with the predisposition to homosexuality are sinning (I say predisposition, because I don't feel like it's a defect or a retardation, but simply a slightly different ordering of chromosomes. Like mutants...and mutants are fuckin' cool right?). I do believe that those choosing it are.
I don't think God would hold a genetic occurrence against one or any of His children.
And so with this endorsement for tolerance, directly from Jesus Christ himself, I pray we can all go forth and except each other for who we are and what we bring to life and not exclude those that live a different lifestyle from our own.
I promise, there are homosexual Christians out there and I'm sure they don't appreciate being made to look like ignorant bigots.
And with the sheen of sweat upon my brow, I will step down from my digital soapbox and go forth and tolerate. And I'm gonna try real hard to not peek in windows and stuff.