Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And the Winner Is...

I'm not really sure how this happened, but Frito won with his entry of "Where the Wild Thing Are...in my pants". Totally hilarious and inappropriate.  I'll have that shirt up in the Cafe Press store along with several other entries that were very close.

Here's the full list of entries in the order that they were ranked:
  1. Where the wild things are, in my pants
  2. Where Men Find GLORY....In My Pants 
  3. Raging Inferno ....In My Pants
  4. An Inconvenient Truth ... in My Pants
  5. Take Off Your Pants and Jacket..... In My Pants
  6. Anxeity Phobias and Panic ... in My Pants
  7. Rumpelstiltskin .....In My Pants.
  8. My Father's Hands ... in My Pants
  9. It, in my pants
  10. The art of Unit Testing, in my pants
Sorry Ckrets...close, but no cigar.  

I'll let you guys tell me if we want to have a similar type of competition next year.  Thanks to those few that participated, I really appreciate the support.

Maybe next time I'll get off my fat ass and do some advertising.


CkretsGalore said...

Well I guess I can let someone else be a winner sometimes. ;)

Unknown said...

I really did like your last entry. Just not enough pull from 1 of the other judges that allowed someone else to slip by.

You have to admit though...it's pretty damn funny.

CkretsGalore said...

Oh I agree and I'm making another plug in my blog for this post.

You kick ass.